Weekly 10
- @andrijoos werde keine/nur noch kleine dev tasks übernehmen (time)
- Ticket documentation#111 (closed) was closed even when there were open tasks (probably from mr)
- Do not ignore on sonarqube (if needed, we can discuss in weekly)
- As reminder: all MRs should be created Sunday evening 23:59 so review can happen until monday 23:59
- Increase version number in follow ups of sprint plannings
- move version number from ci variables to ci script @andrijoos
- .xaml.cs files von code coverage entfernen
- Viele Controls könnten zusammengefasst/abstrahiert werden (aufwand vs ertrag)
- Next lectures in courses view, macht nicht so viel sinn @FabriceBosshard
- Repeating tests -> new file in teams or make a history inside files
- InputValidation onInputChanged validation as secondary feature
- empty chapter Management Summary (also wrong formatting)
- appendix: chapters UI mockups & testing protocol templates not on same level
- sonarqube URL not in docu
- sonarqube reports from retros are not documented @FabriceBosshard
Edited by Andri Joos